Home Inspiration

Ideas and Inspirations for the Home


  1. Spring Forward: Sleep Hygiene Tips to Prepare for Daylight Saving Time

    Sleep is integral in keeping your mind and body healthy and functioning at peak performance. Quality sleep allows your body to recover and rest, giving you the energy for the next day. However, not everyone gets good sleep. This is due to various reasons, including sleep disorders, stress, and health conditions. If you do not get quality sleep for an...
  2. Are Memory Foam Mattresses Hot?

    Are Memory Foam Mattresses Hot?

    Memory foam has been a mainstream product for decades, but in the last few years, it’s taken off as one of the primary materials for mattresses and pillows. With mattresses, some argue that memory foam has a tendency to run a bit hotter than a traditional innerspring mattress. While something like a pillowtop mattress might be a cooler experience for...
  3. How to Decorate a Master Bedroom

    Step 1: Determine Your Decorating Budget Step 2: Find Your Distinct Interior Design Style Step 3: Consider Popular Home Décor Trends Step 4: Consider the Size & Shape of Your Master Bedroom Step 5: Consider Your Overall Master Bedroom Furniture Arrangement Most people spend roughly one-third of their life sleeping, which means they’re often spending at least that long in...
  4. Our Favorite Sleigh Beds for Sale at Star Furniture

    Most people spend roughly one-third of their life sleeping, so buying a bed is a big decision. Sleigh beds, with their large scale and beautiful detailing often make a great focal point for a master bedroom. Here are some of our favorite sleigh beds for sale at Star Furniture. Hanover Sleigh Storage Bed Looking for a sleigh bed with drawers...
  5. Star Furniture Answers Your FAQs About Mattresses

    General Mattress Questions Mattress Size Questions Memory Foam Mattress Questions Pillow Top Mattress Questions Innerspring Mattress Questions Adjustable Bed Questions Do you have questions about mattresses? The experts at Star Furniture & Mattress can help! Follow along as we answer your most frequently asked questions about mattresses, including everything from what’s the best mattress for back pain to how much...

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